yesterday pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Me: you remember that upsexy smell at school yesterday Girl: what’s upsexy Me: nothin how about you

  2. 2. I couldn't help but hear your phone conversation with your sister yesterday & I think I can be that kind of man for you!

  3. 3. I got so many airheads for Halloween yesterday, the only one I'm missing is you.

  4. 4. Welcome to Pete's pizzerias and abortion clinic where yesterdays loss is today sauce

  5. 5. Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon. (Charles Schulz)

  6. 6. Can work with any other hot drink of your liking

  7. 7. I can't say what I wished for, but you are right here so it came true

  8. 8. I was reading the book of numbers yesterday, and I realized I don't have yours.

  9. 9. Yesterday, I tried to paint you, but I couldn't… the colors weren't beautiful enough.

  10. 10. Every day I love you more than yesterday. Sweet dreams.

  11. 11. Because bees can detect bombs like you

  12. 12. Are you a heart? Because I want you pounding inside me. Thought of this in English class yesterday and my friend loved it.

  13. 13. Cuz you're 10/10

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