vegan pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your daddy must have been a vegan baker, because you're a croissant.

  2. 2. You’d make for a delicious vegan alternative to meat.

  3. 3. I may not eat animal products, but that doesn't mean I can't swallow.

  4. 4. Will you let me eat your meat?

  5. 5. Hey there, I bought you some fair trade, organic, vegan chocolate.

  6. 6. Is that a carrot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  7. 7. If u were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber.

  8. 8. Forget the vegan jerky; I'll do some primal stripping for you any day.

  9. 9. Are you a fresh organic apple? Because I just picked you...

  10. 10. Cuz i think you’re lacking vitamin me ;)

  11. 11. Hey, babe, how about some of this late summer veggie gazpacho?

  12. 12. You’re a vegan? Let me toss a salad for you.

  13. 13. The seat of my vintage moped that runs on bio fuel is vegan leather.

  14. 14. Meat is murder, but meat's gonna make you scream.

  15. 15. Want to come back to my place & listen to The Smiths?

  16. 16. I bought some new hemp sheets, wanna try them out?

  17. 17. Vegans really do taste better. And by vegans, I mean my vagina.

  18. 18. Because I want you to taste this meat

  19. 19. Because I’d love to meat you.

  20. 20. You may be vegan, but I know you want my meat.

  21. 21. I'll give you a reason to try milk again.

  22. 22. You can swallow. It's organic cause I'm a vegan.

  23. 23. Can I tell you a pick up line? I promise it won’t be cheesy

  24. 24. Are you an artisan vegan pudding maker?

  25. 25. How vegan are you again? oh I can be advised about nutrition for hours.

  26. 26. Wanna press my tofu?

  27. 27. If you’re not getting enough protein, I can certainly help.

  28. 28. I've been looking for a seitan worshipper like you my whole life.

  29. 29. Is that Tofurky Jerky in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  30. 30. Cause I wanna eat your meat.

  31. 31. But I can eat your pussy tonight

  32. 32. I bet you could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.

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