score pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I just want to get you high and purchase things with you.

  2. 2. 'Cuz I want to check you out, but I'm scared.

  3. 3. I bet I can score on your 5-hole I've got a curved stick.

  4. 4. If being a crossroads demon is the way to score a kiss from you, then so be it.

  5. 5. Wanna discover why my companions call me the Scoring Apparatus?

  6. 6. Scoring with you would be like making a 84yd touchdown off of a pass interception.

  7. 7. I'm gonna go for two after I score.

  8. 8. I specialize in scoring screamers.

  9. 9. Guy: Wanna go out? Girl: I have a boyfriend. Guy: It's just like soccer, just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you cant score.

  10. 10. Because I want to take you home and show you to my mother.

  11. 11. Well if I can’t score, can I at least get an assist?

  12. 12. Let's play hockey. I'll be the net, and you can score.

  13. 13. I’d let you score on my 5-hole.

  14. 14. I bet I can score on your five-hole.

  15. 15. Hey, what does it take to score a hole in one around here?

  16. 16. For score, seven years ago...I would have rocked that butt.

  17. 17. Because I know I can do better but I’m too lazy to try

  18. 18. it means nothing if i can't score your heart.

  19. 19. You're the band and I'm your score, cause you have me rising.

  20. 20. Hey baby, what's your FICO score?

  21. 21. Because you look like you're about to score.

  22. 22. Composers know how to score.

  23. 23. You can be the goalie and I’ll try to score with my Jabulani balls!

  24. 24. *Cause I want to take you home and show you to my mother*

  25. 25. If we were playing tennis, I’d let you score all the points so I’ll always be in Love.

  26. 26. Points aren't the only thing you are gonna score tonight.

  27. 27. Because when I met you I know I scored a jackpot.

  28. 28. Because, i wanna take you home & show you to mumma

  29. 29. So that we can tie our game of life with the score of love.

  30. 30. Cuz you shot your shot and I think you’re gonna score

  31. 31. Cause you’re a 10

  32. 32. Because you’re a perfect 10

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