quarantine pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, 2 weeks is nothing compared to the rest of our life together.

  2. 2. Which makes sense because I wanna spend 14 days in quarantine eating you out

  3. 3. If coronavirus doesn’t get me, will you? (After quarantine is over)

  4. 4. Let’s quarantine and chill, and let me cum inside of you 🥺

  5. 5. But you can't spell quarantine without u, r, a, q, t

  6. 6. Poetry's hard but so am I

  7. 7. Can I quarantine deez nuts inside of you?

  8. 8. Will you be my disease? I don't wanna be coronalone

  9. 9. Are you looking for a naughty experience? I only washed my hands for 19 seconds.

  10. 10. Distance makes my love grow stronger for you.

  11. 11. Girl, I have zero immunity against your sex appeal.

  12. 12. Babe, you have Zoomed in my life.

  13. 13. Have you been quarantined? Never mind you are worth it to die for.

  14. 14. Hey baby, you come within 6 feet of here often?

  15. 15. Want to shelter in place on my bed?

  16. 16. That n95 mask brings out the beauty in your eyes.

  17. 17. Girl, you look amazing from this distance.

  18. 18. Cause I'd like them to remain open this whole quarantine

  19. 19. Can I work you out instead? - Day 118

  20. 20. , but looks like I missed one

  21. 21. Do you get quarantined often? ’Cause you have an infectious personality.

  22. 22. I know its late But, Will you be my valentine?

  23. 23. Quarantine sucks so do my pickup line But still would you like to go out sometime.

  24. 24. Damn girl did it hurt when you f-... Wait, are you from tennessee because you're the only 10 I s-... Uhh.. you can't spell quarantine withou-... Ah shit just take your pants off already

  25. 25. Because your smile is contagious

  26. 26. Bcs I feel obligated to stay inside you.

  27. 27. I'm quarantined at home, would rather be with you

  28. 28. Will you be my quarantine?

  29. 29. When this is all over, can I please touch your titties

  30. 30. I’d rather quarantine myself with you

  31. 31. I'd say fuck the quarantine, but I'd rather fuck you

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