yeah pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Man: Hey, come on, we're both here at this bar for the same reason! Woman: Yeah! To pick up some chicks!

  2. 2. Yeah, I'm a pteranodon but I got the trunk in the front like a mastodon.

  3. 3. Yeah, I mean... Technically I'm an apatosaurus, but the chicks call me The Lickalotopuss.

  4. 4. Person A: No Person B: Yeah, you did! Your standards

  5. 5. Because I may get a little Rachel. Yeah, probably not a winner and only works for one name.

  6. 6. Yeah I own my home; it’s on the back of my truck.

  7. 7. Line: I'm sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar. You: Yeah, I met you at the family reunion last summer.

  8. 8. Yeah, I'd fight through dragons to rescue you.

  9. 9. Do you think it’s loud in here? *Yeah, it is!* Do you want to use my thighs as earmuffs?

  10. 10. Yeah, you’re gonna love Big Ben. Oh wait, you mean the clock.

  11. 11. + omg are you ok? - yeah, just sucks that your not holding it

  12. 12. Cause you know, you must come from the burning depths of hell to be this hot yeah idk

  13. 13. I'd like to casserole you. Yeah baby, that's done slowly for about four hours.

  14. 14. "Yeah" "How about tomorrow night?"

  15. 15. Oh yeah, she wants the brick.

  16. 16. Yeah, it makes no sense, so does you not being in a relationship with me

  17. 17. Yeah, I'm pretty much the Bruce Lee of calculus.

  18. 18. My thought before I sleep

  19. 19. Let me unsheathe it for you.

  20. 20. (wait for reply (obviously)) Yeah that'll look good next to mine

  21. 21. Yeah, with your bloodHey baby wanna paint the whole town red? Yeah, with your blood

  22. 22. Are you from Tokyo? (Yeah Why?) Because I want to get in Japanies (your panties)

  23. 23. Yeah i'm checking. Checking you out.

  24. 24. I wanna bust that body; ooh yeah, ooh yeah.

  25. 25. But you can replace the ‘F’ with ‘M’

  26. 26. Yeah, I got a bone for you.

  27. 27. I've been fully upgraded. Yeah, baby, you know it.

  28. 28. Yeah babe haunt me aaaaallll night long.

  29. 29. Oh yeah, the girl of my dreams

  30. 30. But being my girl surely won't ;)

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