taco pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Baby I might not be a Doritos Locos Taco but, I sure will spice up your night.

  2. 2. Because you're heating up my taco

  3. 3. Do you eat tacos? (yes, why?) Because my Taco Bell is open

  4. 4. Dang girl, do you make tacos? Cuz I really want some of that lengua.

  5. 5. Cause I’m gonna destroy your ass.

  6. 6. Girl, you can be my Taco Belle.

  7. 7. I might not be a Doritos Locos Taco, but I sure will spice up your life.

  8. 8. thick on the bottom and light on the top

  9. 9. Like Taco Bell, I’m up late and I eat great ;).

  10. 10. I'll be the hot sauce on your taco.

  11. 11. Let me sauce up your taco meat baby!

  12. 12. I saw from across the room and thought... I bet she needs a taco, too.

  13. 13. can I stuff your muff?

  14. 14. I'm a very taco-tive person.

  15. 15. You're the Salsa of my Tacos, chequeteta.

  16. 16. Can I stuff your taco with my beef?

  17. 17. Well cool you like 75% of me.

  18. 18. Do you eat tacos? Because my Taco Bell is open.

  19. 19. Hey, do you wanna go get some taco bell? If not, I'm sure we can find another way to destroy your asshole.

  20. 20. May I add my guacamole to your taco?

  21. 21. Hey baby, let's find something to taco 'bout.

  22. 22. But I’ll make your bowels move

  23. 23. Cause your ass is on fire.

  24. 24. Because I want to put my meat in you.

  25. 25. Because I want to go in and out real quick

  26. 26. "...I was thinking about a kielbasa taco."

  27. 27. I want to put my burrito in your taco.

  28. 28. Cuz you make my ass burn for days ;)

  29. 29. Because yo quiero to ring your taco bell!

  30. 30. I'm celebrating Cinco de Mayo by puking tequila and gorditas on the side of a Taco Bell.

  31. 31. You had me at taco.

  32. 32. My name might not be Taco Bell, but I sure can spice up your night!

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