death pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I hope you come for me soon

  2. 2. If being sexy was a crime, you'd be unfairly charged, put on death row, and saved at the last minute because I never gave up on you.

  3. 3. You'd get the death sentence by lethal injection

  4. 4. Hey baby are you death? Cause I'm just waiting for you to cum.

  5. 5. Because I’d die to have you

  6. 6. Death is so final. Whereas life, ah, life is so full of possibilities.

  7. 7. Girl you must be an angel, because I want to get into a giant mech suit and fight you to the death to protect Earth.

  8. 8. Can our gay love pierce through the veil of death and save the day? Let's find out.

  9. 9. I'm a Death Knight, and the way you walked by me must made my Blood Boil in awe.

  10. 10. Cause you made my ️

  11. 11. Are you a tribute? Cuz you been running through my arena of death all day.

  12. 12. If I had access to the death star... The first thing I would do is destroy Uranus

  13. 13. Coz ur beauty is breathtaking

  14. 14. Death, taxes, and my love for you.

  15. 15. Are you death because im so EMO?

  16. 16. A night with me will be the Death to your Purity.

  17. 17. Ay gurl, ima use 1000 years of death on you in bed.

  18. 18. You’d be on death row.

  19. 19. Cuz I wanna nail you to death

  20. 20. Because I want to give you a lethal injection

  21. 21. Death note

  22. 22. Because I think about you all the time :)

  23. 23. I'll make your Death Mountain erupt.

  24. 24. Girl, I'm gonna show you what "one thousand years of death" is all about.

  25. 25. Because I hope you'll take me with you

  26. 26. Cause I can see myself happy after you happening to me!

  27. 27. Because I'm dying to be with you...

  28. 28. Because I'm afraid right now

  29. 29. Look at my cock

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