hiding pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Can I hide it inside you

  2. 2. Me neither

  3. 3. I'd hide my heat deep in your ocean.

  4. 4. I really respect a mollusk who doesn't have to hide in a shell, and can just be herself.

  5. 5. Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall Ain't gonna do you no good at all 'Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts A team o' wild horses couldn't tear us apart

  6. 6. Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall. I will catch you.

  7. 7. The FBI is searching my penis can I hide it in you

  8. 8. Can I hide it inside of you?

  9. 9. The FBI wants my penis, can I hide it inside you?

  10. 10. Can I hide it inside you?

  11. 11. The FBI wants to steal my penis Can I hide it inside you?

  12. 12. Violets are blue The FBI is trying to steal my dick, Can I hide it in you?

  13. 13. ​ ​ The fbi's after my penis, can i hide it inside you?

  14. 14. Her: Ok You: Actually I can't Her: Why not? You: Cause a girl like you is really hard to find;)

  15. 15. My fogged up glasses can't hide that you're smokin'

  16. 16. Howie who? Howie gonna hide this affair from your husband?

  17. 17. Hang on a second, i think i'm gonna lose, cuz girl like u are really hard to find :)))

  18. 18. Hide your beavers. I'm hunting them.

  19. 19. I might have to cast Invisibility to hide the Daedric hard on you give me.

  20. 20. I see a human! Want to hide together?

  21. 21. If I turn into a bat can I hide in your cave?

  22. 22. Can i hide in your batcave for a while?

  23. 23. I'd hide every chair in the world Just for you to sit on my face

  24. 24. Me : Let’s play a game? She : Which one? Me : Anything other than Hide & Seek!! She : Why? Me : Because it’s impossible to find a girl like you!

  25. 25. Cos my Trojan needs a hiding place.

  26. 26. Sorry to bother you but would you wanna play a little hide the sausage with me?

  27. 27. I’d like to see how an angel hides her wings.

  28. 28. Believe me. It works 7/10 times.

  29. 29. Him: No. That's okay, a guy like you is difficult to find anyway.

  30. 30. May I show you a fascinating Saracen ritual I learned while hiding in a harem after Hattin?

  31. 31. Her-ok He-actually I can’t Her-why not ? He-cause a girl like u is really hard to find

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