learn pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You: Can I correct your English? To help you learn Them: Yeah you can correct me. You: Then correct me if I say we have chemistry

  2. 2. Can I practice with you?

  3. 3. I hope it's not an inconvenient truth to learn that I love you.

  4. 4. Because I'd like to take the integral so I can learn more about the area underneath them.

  5. 5. I can learn Frogsong, you can be my princess.

  6. 6. So, can I be your apprentice? I want to learn all about this farm to fork movement...

  7. 7. Show yourself. I'm ready to learn!

  8. 8. Baby! You know nothing. Want to learn something new?

  9. 9. Hey, baby, wanna learn the sweet science and do a little ground and pound?

  10. 10. Hey baby, let's lay and learn what each other's bodies are for.

  11. 11. Wanna be one of them?

  12. 12. I’m learning about important dates in history class. Wanna be one of them?

  13. 13. What's up honey, wanna learn about the binary numbers? My 1 can interact really well with your 0.

  14. 14. 9/10 to make her laugh, good opener, remember guys, humor is more important than multiplication table

  15. 15. Hey girl I like your anatomy but I'd love to learn about it's physiology.

  16. 16. In my nursing class we just learned how to bathe people... can I practice on you?

  17. 17. I would really like to learn ___________. Can you be my tutor? What is your number?

  18. 18. Because I don't know anything you but I would like to learn

  19. 19. Because I want to learn how to turn you on

  20. 20. That way I can learn to play your heartstrings

  21. 21. Girl, let's learn something they don't teach in school.

  22. 22. Are you learning python? Check out the one I got in my pants.

  23. 23. I'll be sure to learn from my sensei and try to hug you a little tighter and hell of a lot warmer

  24. 24. Because There is a new thing I learn from you every single day

  25. 25. Because I would like to learn and understand you better before I do you

  26. 26. 'Cuz a face that pretty must be innate, not learned.

  27. 27. Cuz I’d love to learn more Abuja.

  28. 28. Aren't you the one who's been saving my life for centuries? Never did learn your name.

  29. 29. I would fuck you so hard, you'd learn from it.

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