dong pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. My dong is a rental car company - it Hertz!

  2. 2. I've got a big dong. It’s HUUUGE. It’s TREMENDOUS!

  3. 3. They call me Mao Ze DONG.

  4. 4. PS: Vietnamese currency is Dong (edit)

  5. 5. Do you want my dong Inside of You

  6. 6. Cause I want to put my dong in your holes.

  7. 7. Everytime i see you, My dong grows bigger

  8. 8. I’m not a megalodon, but I’ve got a mega-long-dong.

  9. 9. Some call me donkey kong cause i will pound you with my massive dong.

  10. 10. I'd be a Ding Dong if I didn't ask you to the dance!

  11. 11. Oh, you're a bird watcher. (Pull out your dong) Well, would you take this for a swallow?

  12. 12. Did you know that my dong is an 8.0 on the rectal scale?

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