studying pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Sorry we keep making awkward eye what are you studying!

  2. 2. Legal studies Major: If being sexy were a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!

  3. 3. Because i cant stop studying your curves.

  4. 4. Hey Baby, how about you and me go back to my house so I can break out my calc book and study those curves.

  5. 5. Don't worry baby I make enough money so you don't have to worry about the fact your gender studies degree is useless.

  6. 6. Clinical studies have shown that sex kills. Wanna die happy?

  7. 7. Yeah this is me. Tries to make small talk, ends up explaining gender studies.

  8. 8. Hey gorgeous ! I’ve just finished studying the book of numbers. But I noticed I don’t have yours.

  9. 9. In other words hey, how you doing?

  10. 10. In Euclidean geometry two parallel lines never touch...Let’s go back to my place and study a little ‘non-Euclidean geometry.

  11. 11. Hey girl, I am glad we won the state which means I will be seeing a lot more of you at national and maybe you can study at my hotel room?

  12. 12. If you were my tour guide you could study my history!

  13. 13. Why is it so hard to study the cardiovascular system? Because the heart is fragile and should always be handled with care.

  14. 14. Got a girl whose studying sonography

  15. 15. Her name is Lana and is studying to become animal doctor. And she said in her bio i got to have good pickup line lol. Any ideas?

  16. 16. How about we ditch this joint and go study some anatomy? Baby, you make me vasodilate!

  17. 17. I booked us a library discussion room, baby, so we can study the 'Laws of Attraction' without disruption.

  18. 18. Girl, I know you're studying psychology, but I would love to study you.

  19. 19. Hey girl want study scripture together in my dorm tonight?

  20. 20. Don't mind me observing you, I'm just doing some case study.

  21. 21. I wanna study your anatomy.

  22. 22. Cause whatever I skip ends up coming

  23. 23. Wanna study?

  24. 24. Hey girl, are you a biologist? Cause you can study my inch-worm.

  25. 25. To find the fastest way to your heart

  26. 26. Because I want to study it even if it kills me

  27. 27. Because you got my heart racing

  28. 28. Because I want to find the shortest distance into your heart.

  29. 29. Because I want to touch on Uranus

  30. 30. Can we study at your place?

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