deck pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a slippery pool deck? Because I'm falling for you.

  2. 2. Are you a master of Powerpoint? Because I’d sure like to slide all over your deck.

  3. 3. That be a nice poop deck.

  4. 4. Nice poop deck on ya, lady. Care for a swabbin'?

  5. 5. I’m in charge of swabbing the Poop Deck.

  6. 6. Want to see if we can make the holo deck malfunction?

  7. 7. I'd like to make an observation of your deck.

  8. 8. And it looks like you are the queen of hearts...

  9. 9. ...4 of those being queens, but no matter how many decks you factor in youre the only queen i want

  10. 10. I think you will be the Queen of my Heart because you are the only one worth kneeling to. If you know what I mean ; )

  11. 11. If life was a deck of cards I would be your Ace of Spades and you become my Queen of Hearts

  12. 12. Will you be my Queen of Hearts? ️ - Day 7

  13. 13. Are you in the on deck circle? Cuz you're up next (to date me).

  14. 14. All hands on deck!

  15. 15. I'd swab your deck any day.

  16. 16. I know you're out of my league, but I show you below decks if you show me steerage.

  17. 17. My mom told me that life is like a deck of cards, so you must the be queen of hearts.

  18. 18. Hey babe, wanna swab my deck?

  19. 19. Hey girl! Wanna see my deck? (Yugioh)

  20. 20. Can I insert my deck into your duel disk slot? (Yugioh)

  21. 21. Wanna ride my deck?

  22. 22. Are you in the on deck circle, or is that halo?

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