smart pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. So I can I check your box? Edit Insert any compliments at the start. Also only do this after a rapport has been established or it could be dreadful.

  2. 2. Don't fall for other shitcoins, go for this smart contract.

  3. 3. Because you lookin like my Samsung 25.5 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator with Internal Water Dispenser in Fingerprint Resistant Black Stainless Smart Fridge 🥵

  4. 4. Cause you’re smart, fun to play with and easy to turn on

  5. 5. How about a smart, sustainable and inclusive relationship?

  6. 6. Every redhead I’ve met is extremely smart.

  7. 7. What’s a smart, attractive, young man like myself doing without your number?

  8. 8. I graudated. So, now I'm like smart and stuff.

  9. 9. I can infer that you are smart enough to go out with me.

  10. 10. Intelligent too, Ooh, You my sweetheart. I've always liked my women book and street smart. (Fancy)

  11. 11. Reddit thinks you're both worth loads, but I was smart only to invest in you.

  12. 12. You're just like Ami; smart, and knows how to play the game.

  13. 13. U are so beautiful and smart that I'm totally lovestruck. I don't have enough characters to write u a love poem, so would u settle for a fu?

  14. 14. Because you’re really hot and smart

  15. 15. You're so smart. I love a girl with brains.

  16. 16. I bet you have an IQ of 10 ;)

  17. 17. You're hot. And you're smart. Take me home. Let's go!

  18. 18. You are so thin and smart, yet you pull me towards yourself like a dense black hole.

  19. 19. If you were a smart phone I'd have my thumbs all over you.

  20. 20. They say smart girls want to feel pretty and pretty girls want to feel smart, but you're solid on both aspects, so I just don't know what to do!

  21. 21. What’s a smart, attractive man like myself doing without your phone number?

  22. 22. Your loving and caring to every person you meet. Your smart and stronger then anyone I have ever met. And your to beautiful for this world.

  23. 23. Cause your hot and smart.

  24. 24. Because you git me turned on

  25. 25. I'd use a cheesy pick-up line on you, but you're too smart. So I'm gonna ask you straight up, would you dance with me?

  26. 26. Smart, sexy and funny... Your hash validates.

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