tulips pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your two lips on deez nuts!

  2. 2. Want to put them together and make a Kiss? Ps: you need actual tulip flowers for this.

  3. 3. I'd put your tulips and my tulips together

  4. 4. I'd put your Tulips and My Tulips together

  5. 5. Roses are red, Violets are Blue, Tulips are cute, can I have your number?

  6. 6. How about you plant your tulips on mine?

  7. 7. Roses are red violets are red tulips are red and my garden is on fire

  8. 8. If me and you made a garden, Would you plant your tulips next to mine?

  9. 9. What the hell was I saying, I can’t get my mind off your Two Lips.

  10. 10. If I had a garden, I'd put your tulips next to my tulips.

  11. 11. I would put your tulips and mine together

  12. 12. Do you like gardening? Because I'd love to put our tulips together

  13. 13. Tulips on my organ

  14. 14. If i had a garden id put your tulips and my tulips together.

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