dogs pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I mean it as a compliment!

  2. 2. Do you believe in cross-breding?

  3. 3. What a cute puppy. One day you're going to be as beautiful as your Mommy

  4. 4. Would you like to go on a poop-duty double date?

  5. 5. Woof woof woof, woof woof! Woof woof woof woof woof woof, woof woof dinner and a movie?

  6. 6. Because I wanna put peanut butter on my cock and let you lick it off

  7. 7. Cause you really know how to make a wiener stand. (Disclosure: I’m female but this still made me laugh)

  8. 8. Cuz I wanna tame you with my bone

  9. 9. Because my dog likes you on my penis

  10. 10. Because I wanna put my hot dog in you until it explodes

  11. 11. ee, your ass smells terrific!

  12. 12. My, your butt smells delightful!

  13. 13. You should see my downward facing dog.

  14. 14. I'm crazier than a Beagle in a vacuum factory, baby!

  15. 15. You're so sexy, I'd even let you fold my pages dog-eared style.

  16. 16. That’s a beautiful dog. Does she have a phone number?

  17. 17. Hello there, beautiful… looking for an Alpha Dog?

  18. 18. Wanna come back to my place and pick fleas off each other?

  19. 19. Are you an archaeologist? Because I?ve got a very large bone for you to examine

  20. 20. Wanna go pee up some lamppost?

  21. 21. What a great looking dog, mind if I pet you, I mean her

  22. 22. Looking for a bitch like you!

  23. 23. Nama'stay in my bed and let us practice your downward facing dog.

  24. 24. Doggy style?

  25. 25. Did you win "best in show"? Because you sure are a winner to me.

  26. 26. Do you like it dog-eared style?

  27. 27. Hello baby, know it has given me a new leash on life.

  28. 28. How do I tell my dog he was adopted?

  29. 29. I'll let you sniff mine if i can sniff yours.

  30. 30. I'll sniff your butt if you sniff mine.

  31. 31. That dog is beautiful! I see she takes after her person.

  32. 32. I think this is love at first sniff

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