short pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Line: Want to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? Comeback: Well that’ll be a short conversation.

  2. 2. Life is short. Let's f**k and see if there is anything after that. Let me eat you for an hour. If you don't want to have sex after that, we won't.

  3. 3. Have you heard about the curious case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Well, long story short, they would both like to go on a date with you.

  4. 4. Because you're short, cute, and I'm probably going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house

  5. 5. You know, I've always found bruised legs, short nails and three days without a shower dead sexy.

  6. 6. Gimme some of your inches. (Only works for short ppl. Or ig if you’re shorter than the desired person 🤔)

  7. 7. T Rex had arms so short he couldn't hug you. Good thing I can.

  8. 8. Its a cereal dumbass

  9. 9. Hey you long legged girl with the short dress on. I finally found you!!

  10. 10. Short but you can enjoy while you can.

  11. 11. I found some crabs in my shorts. Want to see?

  12. 12. You're short, ginger, and wearing green. You're basically a leprechaun.

  13. 13. Im short, so I like to hit it from the back.

  14. 14. Damn girl are you a laundry basket because I'm gonna take my clothes off and fill you up

  15. 15. Are those vale tudo shorts you're wearing or are you just happy to see me?

  16. 16. I may play short but I go deep.

  17. 17. Girl you're like the halo 3 campaign, short but mind blowing.

  18. 18. ....which is short for Available ;) (but you can call me anytime)

  19. 19. Because most of the girls here are Toyota’s but you’re above.

  20. 20. You can eat my shorts.

  21. 21. I need a pick up line for a short girl

  22. 22. Short and stubby

  23. 23. Some might think it's just a short breeze, but I expect a more solid outcome.

  24. 24. Is your last name short for Heimlich? Because you take my breath away!

  25. 25. How about I give you an extra 8”

  26. 26. but I can show you something that isn't

  27. 27.'re short, cute and I'm gonna bang you on my coffee table tonight

  28. 28. Italian pony , because like pony's im half the size but twice as fun to ride.

  29. 29. Anyone haves clever short lines for a valentine's note?

  30. 30. Short, sweet, and hot as sin.

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