sauce pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause I’m gonna bang you on the counter

  2. 2. Because I want to put my white sauce between you buns

  3. 3. Will you be the duck sauce to my egg roll?

  4. 4. Cuz by the end of the night you'll be screaming for my lamb sauce.

  5. 5. Because I was looking for you this entire time

  6. 6. Cause I’d like to lose your top.

  7. 7. Do you like secret sauce in your burger?

  8. 8. I wanna dip my nuggest in your sweet and sour sauce.

  9. 9. If you were my sauce pan, I'd never deglaze you.

  10. 10. Do you have any Sriracha sauce? Cause you fire me up!

  11. 11. If you were mine you would rub some sweet N sour sauce on my salty French fry.

  12. 12. Girl I'm gonna treat you like cranberry sauce and ignore you for 11 months after tonight...

  13. 13. Cuase I wanna get between those buns with my secret sauce

  14. 14. Let’s make a Krabby Patty. You bring the buns and I’ll bring the sauce.

  15. 15. Wanna try my personal dipping sauce?

  16. 16. If you're the pizza pie, then I'm the pizza sauce, because I'm all over you.

  17. 17. Baby, I may not be Sriracha sauce, but I sure will spice up your life.

  18. 18. Girl are you a bottle of sriracha sauce? Because you're some hot stuff.

  19. 19. I love you as much as I love oyster sauce.

  20. 20. I'll put the special in your sauce.

  21. 21. I'll be the hot sauce on your taco.

  22. 22. Let me sauce up your taco meat baby!

  23. 23. That’s hot.

  24. 24. Welcome to Pete's pizzerias and abortion clinic where yesterdays loss is today sauce

  25. 25. You are so hot, you put shame to Louisiana Hot Sauce.

  26. 26. Because I want you on my titties

  27. 27. Because i want to put my garlic sauce on you.

  28. 28. Cus if I was a nine, you’d be a 1

  29. 29. You are the soy sauce to my fish.

  30. 30. And then you just softly hiss at them until you get their number trust me it works every time

  31. 31. But you're 100% sauce

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