leather pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Ropes, spurs, leather gloves — Honey, even if I weren’t no cowboy, we’re talking a good time!

  2. 2. Hey baby. You turn me on as quickly leather face turns on his chainsaw!

  3. 3. Ropes, spurs, leather, gloves – even if I weren't a cowboy, yet talking about a good time.

  4. 4. The seat of my vintage moped that runs on bio fuel is vegan leather.

  5. 5. Wanna put on your leather and burn some rubber?

  6. 6. Cause I’m into leather, choking and using no hands

  7. 7. well read and leather-bound

  8. 8. I've always wanted a guy who's not afraid of leather pants.

  9. 9. I like my men like I like my books---well read and in leather.

  10. 10. I've got a full set of leather equips back at my Mog House

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