plate pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I’d love to dig into a plate of you...

  2. 2. You look great in that black dress but slap some taillights and a license plate on it and I'll call you Baby.

  3. 3. Cause i can call you “mine”

  4. 4. Cause I'd love to ram into you with force resulting in tremendous friction and heat.

  5. 5. Because I am attracted to you and I try my hardest not to discharge

  6. 6. They plated all my bones with adamantium. Yes, including the boner.

  7. 7. Because I think we should shift ;) Ps. 'Shift' is Irish slang for 'making out'

  8. 8. I know you’ve got a lot on your paper plate right now, but could we ketchup alone sometime?

  9. 9. Because I want to put kids in you

  10. 10. If you were mashed potatoes I would value you more than the rest of the food on my plate and refuse to share.

  11. 11. I don’t know about an earthquake, but I’d sure like to make your plates shift. (Earthquake)

  12. 12. Baby, I'm like an oceanic plate on a gravity slide - I can't wait to subduct beneath your crust!

  13. 13. Is that a mirror in your anodized Titanium exterior plating? Because I can see myself in your service port.

  14. 14. Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart like it’s home plate.

  15. 15. You're rice and I am the beans. Together, we’re a combo plate of bueno

  16. 16. Cuz I wanna lick your plate when everyone's finished.

  17. 17. 'cus you smell good like a plate of bacon

  18. 18. You look so good, I could put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit!

  19. 19. They say I'm like John Jaso because I'm all clear to be behind your plate all summer long

  20. 20. You must be a pressure plate, because you turn me on.

  21. 21. Are those real boobs, or are you wearing Nephi's breast plate?

  22. 22. No need to get up for seconds! I’m more than happy to let you gobble off of my plate!

  23. 23. Baby, you are so fine I could put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit.

  24. 24. Will you teach me about plate tectonics?

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