likes pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. When it gets wet you should come inside

  2. 2. Cause we could share a bed.

  3. 3. Cause you look like you'd settle for me.

  4. 4. Worship you quietly and finger you all day

  5. 5. If so, you definitely are what you eat

  6. 6. Can I invite you to dinner?

  7. 7. Strong, sweet, and brown\~ ​ ​ >!Before ya'll call me out on being racist, I'm a brown dude as well aight?!<

  8. 8. Cus I wanna split them apart and eat everything in between.

  9. 9. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  10. 10. Because I’m always falling for you

  11. 11. On my lap. Turned on. Virus free.

  12. 12. It goes on forever and ever

  13. 13. Because I'd like to show you to my friends and then hope they like you as much as I do

  14. 14. Next to my bed and always turned on.

  15. 15. Because you look a lot like my next girlfriend <3

  16. 16. Cause you look like something I wanna slap my meat on.

  17. 17. But I'd rather look at you because the chances of meeting someone like you is once in a lifetime.

  18. 18. Never actually had the ball's to try it on a girl but anyone want to try go ahead

  19. 19. I’d do you for 3 hours and only stop for water breaks

  20. 20. I should really know for tomorrow morning.

  21. 21. Just like the Folgers slogan, you’re “the best part of waking up!”

  22. 22. Cause I'd like land between your thighway

  23. 23. Because I'm bad at everything I do.

  24. 24. I like my women how I like my tesla Turned off when I'm not near, but turned on when I'm inside.

  25. 25. Just worked

  26. 26. Because I want to make your bedrock

  27. 27. Because the pictures look better then the real thing and im finnished in 2 minutes.

  28. 28. Small. Sweet. And fun to suck on.

  29. 29. Because I still like you despite all of your flaws

  30. 30. Which would you like to taste first?

  31. 31. Like the one buried in my backyard.

  32. 32. Bouncy

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