paying pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I picked you up on the street and now I can't afford to pay you.

  2. 2. Cuz I’ll pay 10$ if you show me some crack

  3. 3. A Lannister always pays his debts precious. So let’s see what gold coins will get me.

  4. 4. A Lannister always pays his debts. So let’s see what 50 gold coins will get me.

  5. 5. Would you like to stop right here? Would you like to get a beer? Would you like to pay the tab? Would you like to grab a cab?

  6. 6. Why pay $5 at Subway when you can get this footlong for free?

  7. 7. You can get these two inches for free?

  8. 8. Because my interest for you is increasing

  9. 9. - You took my heart, now pay me!

  10. 10. Everything about you makes me want to fuck you, you have a job, pay your bills, AND have healthcare.

  11. 11. Hey Girl, I'd pay one Fattened Sow for your hand in Marriage.

  12. 12. You've been living in my heart for quite some time now.

  13. 13. Girl, imma buy you a ring and you're gonna pay for it.

  14. 14. How much do you charge? My paper-grading job doesn't pay a lot.

  15. 15. Because i would pay anything just to eat you

  16. 16. Never once had to pay for margarine after letting them use our crown in that commercial.

  17. 17. Because I’d pay to have sexual intercourse with you.

  18. 18. Come to Italy; I'll pay for everything, AND take you shopping.

  19. 19. Because I'd pay to see you naked

  20. 20. Because I bet you taste really good and I am willing to pay the price

  21. 21. Cause I wanna tear you apart like I don't wanna pay it

  22. 22. Like, at least five. Very good goat.

  23. 23. So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.

  24. 24. Excuse me miss, can I pay for your printing?

  25. 25. Girl that ass is so sweet, we're going to build a wall around it and you're gonna pay for it.

  26. 26. Well I pay hard to get rid of.

  27. 27. For staying on my head all the time.

  28. 28. Because i'd pay money to see you go down

  29. 29. I want you to be with me in a nice restaurant to have Candle Light Dinner & say those 3 sweet word to you. Pay The Bill !!!! Foolllllllllll

  30. 30. 'cause there's a line of people paying to get inside you

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