incredible hulk pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'd like to ride YOUR Incredible Hulk...

  2. 2. My zipper

  3. 3. My Zipper

  4. 4. They don't call me incredible for nothing! (The Hulk)

  5. 5. Im not the hulk, but I can show you something incredible.

  6. 6. My zipper.

  7. 7. My zipper ;)

  8. 8. My Zipper.

  9. 9. What has 145 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.

  10. 10. What has 142 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.

  11. 11. What has 132 teeth and can hold back the Incredible Hulk? My Zipper ;)

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