pairs pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I would have bought u a pair of pants for your birthday but I didn't see the point since they are gonna come off anyway.

  2. 2. A Wonka gin tonic, please. 'With ice?' 'Obviously.' 'Okay then could you please step away from the bar?' 'What?! Why?' 'You're melting all the ice.'

  3. 3. Would you like Gin and platonic, or would you prefer Scotch and sofa ?

  4. 4. Cuz you don’t appear to be one of my contacts....

  5. 5. Hey girl, if we were around Noah right now, he would definitely pair us together.

  6. 6. Hey baby, if you play your cards right we might just become a twisted pair tonight.

  7. 7. Coz you just sent me sparks with those pair of beautiful pair of eyes

  8. 8. Girl, I got an extra pair of TOMS that might fit you. Want to come over & try them on?

  9. 9. If this were the flood, you and me would be a pair.

  10. 10. We would be a good pear (pair)

  11. 11. Because with you around, I can see the world more beautifully.

  12. 12. But I think we make a great pair.

  13. 13. We'd make a great pair.

  14. 14. Sunglasses sit a little higher on my face

  15. 15. My glasses would sit a bit higher on my face...

  16. 16. If you were a pair of boots you would be Ugg-ly.

  17. 17. "Are you my favorite pair of jeans? Bc I'd love to cuff you and have you snug around my legs."

  18. 18. Is it hot in here or am I just wearing two pairs of long johns?

  19. 19. Which would you like to taste first?

  20. 20. Because I want to sell you

  21. 21. I've been single-stranded far too long! Lonely ATGCATG would like to pair up with congenital TACGTAC.

  22. 22. But We Make A Great Pair

  23. 23. Because all I see is a pair of Ds

  24. 24. I wish i was adedine, so i could get paired with you.

  25. 25. Nice pair of fins you got there.

  26. 26. So I could pair with U.

  27. 27. WE’RE PAIRING.

  28. 28. Because you're giving me a lot of SAS right now.

  29. 29. Because you're attractive ;)

  30. 30. If we were like chromosomes, you'd be my homologous pair.

  31. 31. Because you've got a great pair of personalities at about chest height

  32. 32. Because I know a good pair of tits when I see them.

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