theory pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. My love is like communism ; everyone gets a share , and it is only good in theory.

  2. 2. Because in theory we would work, but in real life we probably wouldn't.

  3. 3. But it took way less time to create the heat and density of dat ass.

  4. 4. It's a big deal. There's an awards banquet and a dance afterward. Perhaps you'd like to come with me? I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there.

  5. 5. I wish I was your differential equation homework, because then I'd be really hard and you'd be doing me on your desk.

  6. 6. How can I explain the theory of relativity, unless you look into my eyes, gorgeous?

  7. 7. Strange attractors? I refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction.

  8. 8. Are you sure your moth-like personality won't be drawn to this blazing fire that is myself?

  9. 9. I wish I was your homework, because I would be hard and you would do me all the time.

  10. 10. I'm sure Max Planck would approve of your hot body.

  11. 11. If I was an operating system, your process would be realtime priority.

  12. 12. Nobody ever expects me. Sometimes you just look and BAM!

  13. 13. On a scale from 0001 to 1010, you're an 1011

  14. 14. On a scale of North Korea to America, how free are you tonight?

  15. 15. Tell the square root of negative one to multiple by itself, because shit just got real.

  16. 16. The universe must revolve around you, because your gavitational forces are banging.

  17. 17. it's not the length of the vector that counts, it's how you apply the force.

  18. 18. You are my belongingness to my Maslow's Humanistic Theory based on the Hierarchy of needs.

  19. 19. Let me show you my big bang theory.

  20. 20. Hey wanna slip over to the radiation lab and take a decontamination shower together?

  21. 21. Hey baby, will you let me socially penetrate your triangular theory of love?

  22. 22. I wish I were sin squared and you were cos squared so that together we could be one!

  23. 23. Baby, lets be chemist, & do it on the table periodically.

  24. 24. Let's head to my lab so I can prove that Big Bang isn't just a theory.

  25. 25. I love you bazinga!

  26. 26. My limbic system wants to take your pants off.

  27. 27. So, how many children do you think we should have?

  28. 28. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  29. 29. Hey baby, wanna get together and make our own Grand Unified Theory?

  30. 30. I believe in the trickle down theory. So how about I trickle down the inside of your thigh?

  31. 31. If I am Amy, will you be my Sheldon?

  32. 32. Hey, I see you like alien conspiracy theories. Wanna be the Scully to my Mulder?

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