minute pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Give me 10 minutes, some Barry white, massage oil and scented candles and I'll have you believing in the Big Bang!

  2. 2. Comrade adopt these minutes so we can reach a quorum. I will deliver.

  3. 3. Because I'm probably gonna flip you around a couple times, realise I don't know what I'm doing and finish in 3 minutes

  4. 4. I just popped a Viagra. So, we've got about 30 minutes to get back to your place.

  5. 5. I have a rare disease that will kill me unless I have sex within the next 30 minutes.

  6. 6. (She says yes I do) Damn! it must be 15 minutes fast

  7. 7. Because I want to slam you on the desk, promise to do you all night long, get distracted, last 2 minutes, cry, turn on the tv and continue to hate myself for another weak performance

  8. 8. You should climb into bed expecting 7-10 inches tonight only to be disappointed by 3 that's gone soft in 15 minutes.

  9. 9. There may be no such thing as eternal bliss but I can offer you two-and-half-minutes of perfunctory pleasure.

  10. 10. Oh you are? It must be 15 minutes fast!

  11. 11. Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna work out?

  12. 12. Because you are forming strong bonds with me when you take my Oxygen. Girl used this on me when she found out I loved chemistry and we kissed 10 minutes later.

  13. 13. I found the missing minutes of the Watergate tapes in your eyes.

  14. 14. ‘Cause I wanna throw you on the table and do you all night but I’ll give up two minutes in and start crying.

  15. 15. Hey girl, together we could have 31 minutes of group sex!

  16. 16. Hey can i pick your brain for a minute?

  17. 17. I'd love to serve a five minute major in your box.

  18. 18. Let's play hockey, because I'd love to have 2 minutes for holding.

  19. 19. Because I will think about you all week and do you at the last minute.

  20. 20. Coach told me to keep my heart rate under 160 beats per minute, but then I saw you.

  21. 21. Because the pictures look better then the real thing and im finnished in 2 minutes.

  22. 22. Cause in a minute ill be jalapeños pants.

  23. 23. My watch is telling me you don’t have panties on Maybe it’s 5 minutes fast...

  24. 24. In a few minutes you’ll be giving me everything.

  25. 25. Ive been medscheckin you out for 20 minutes, and the only thing I reckon you should be on is me!

  26. 26. I can think of an activity that'll make you sweat even more than a 90 minute hot yoga class..

  27. 27. Baby when you're near me my heart beats like a hedgehog's. That's about 300 beats a minute.

  28. 28. just think of the sexual implications.

  29. 29. Because i’m trying to eat you in thirty minutes or less.

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