mma pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You got me in a heel hook and I fell for you...

  2. 2. I was knocked out by your beauty...or was it your spinning back fist?

  3. 3. Baby girl, I'mma gonna dive into your Deku Flower.

  4. 4. Baby tonight is like WEC, because we'll never forget.

  5. 5. Baby, I wanna full-mount you...

  6. 6. If I said you had a great body triangle would you hold it against me?

  7. 7. Hey, how about you let me take you down to the ground and let me pound you?

  8. 8. Hey girl I've got an active ground game and I've never went past the first round.

  9. 9. You ever done the "Irish Hand Grenade"?

  10. 10. Do you do Body Combat? Because your body is kick-ass!

  11. 11. I know you're a knockout, so how'd you get me in submission?

  12. 12. I'mma climb you like a koala bear.

  13. 13. Here's my number. Just in case you ever need a grappling partner without a shirt or pants.

  14. 14. I've given my heart away more than Mario Yamasaki, but I'm will to try again for you.

  15. 15. Baby, your name must be Mario Yamasaki because you just stopped my heart prematurely.

  16. 16. Your dojo or mine?

  17. 17. Hey girl you me north south position?

  18. 18. Our bond is so tight i just might tap.

  19. 19. You can call me Palhares. Because I can't wait to tap that.

  20. 20. I'm good off my back, but I'll let you keep mount.

  21. 21. Muay Thai between your thighs.

  22. 22. Your love is like a cage..I can't escape it.

  23. 23. You and me, one-on-one, in a cage.

  24. 24. Are you a bjj specialist? Because I would love to be in your guard!

  25. 25. Hey baby, wanna wrestle?

  26. 26. I'll show you some takedown my number techniques.

  27. 27. You're like're my number 1.

  28. 28. I'd put you in my guard any day.

  29. 29. Shhhh. No need for words. You had me at Muay Thai Plum.

  30. 30. Girl are you from Brazil because you look like you'd be good off your back.

  31. 31. Girl I wanna be all on top of you like a crucifix.

  32. 32. Baby, either I just got knocked out or I'm falling for you.

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