library pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. It's a shame you can't eat in the library, because I'm hungry for you.

  2. 2. Baby, the only section in my library is classified under Dewey 617 because I only have eyes for you.

  3. 3. You can classify me in your fantasy collection.

  4. 4. I may not be a cataloger, but I bet I can find a place to fit you in.

  5. 5. Do you have overdue books? 'Cause you have FINE written all over you.

  6. 6. You're like this Book I forgot to return because you've got Fine written all over you.

  7. 7. I think must have found the Romance section...

  8. 8. Found the poetry section. May I take you back in the stacks and read you some verses?

  9. 9. Are you in the Library catalogue? I'd love to get you're number.

  10. 10. Do you have a card in the Dewey decimal system? Because I gotta write down your number.

  11. 11. Hey girl, I have a unreturned library book that I want to read to you tonight.

  12. 12. Because I'd like to check you out, take you home and get to know you better

  13. 13. I think i need a library card because imma check you out

  14. 14. Meet me in the Romance section let's make Romeo & Juliet jealous.

  15. 15. I booked us a library discussion room, baby, so we can study the 'Laws of Attraction' without disruption.

  16. 16. If you were a library book, I'd never bring you back.

  17. 17. Can we all agree to take a pass on "stacked"?

  18. 18. Are you a library book? Because I can't stop checking you out.

  19. 19. I'll dewy decimal system your shelves any day.

  20. 20. Boy, you must be a library book, because I can't stop checking you out.

  21. 21. Are you a thriller? Because I can't seem to put you down.

  22. 22. Care to come back to my place for a little Dickens?

  23. 23. There are so many books here but I want to read you.

  24. 24. Are you shelf R.1034? Because I've been searching for you everywhere.

  25. 25. Are you an overcrowded library branch location? Because you are STACKED.

  26. 26. As a librarian, I can confirm that this line does indeed work.

  27. 27. I can also read something else besides books, your heart.

  28. 28. You know what else is perfect? The card catalog of your features, girl.

  29. 29. Do you have a library card? Cuz I'd like to sign you out.

  30. 30. Let's sneak off to the reference section and make little citations.

  31. 31. I'm not looking for a book. Today, I'd like to check you out.

  32. 32. You've put a hold...on my heart.

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