economics pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You make my demand curve go inelastic

  2. 2. You have some fine new resources, because you made my PP curve expand.

  3. 3. Is that your debt ceiling rising or are just happy to see me?

  4. 4. I'll issue us a bond with equity warrants. It'll bring us closer and you can own all of me.

  5. 5. Im down like the stock market, now ride me to the top.

  6. 6. Girl, you're the best performer in my diversified portfolio of booty calls.

  7. 7. I need you to help me fight some inflation.

  8. 8. I’m a freak between the spreadsheets.

  9. 9. I would like to show you all my outstanding positions.

  10. 10. You want to come upstairs? I'll show you my AAPL certifictes.

  11. 11. You're the biggest investment that I've ever made.

  12. 12. My love for you is like a perpetuity, it'll never end.

  13. 13. Say girl, if you were the federal funds market, I would set my benchmark interest rate at 100%, 'cuz you fine.

  14. 14. I think you and me would have great potential output

  15. 15. Lets play a game where going out with me is the dominant strategy

  16. 16. Our love is like a recombining binomial; even if we go our own path we'll always find our way back together.

  17. 17. Hey girl, are you the stock market? Because you're very volatile and I don't really understand you.

  18. 18. Girl, are you a zero APR loan? Because I don't understand your terms and you keep saying you have no interest.

  19. 19. Your price definitely equals my marginal benefit

  20. 20. Hey girl, you interested in receiving some liquidity tonight?

  21. 21. Girl ill boost your moral like Enron boosted the economy in the 90's.

  22. 22. Want to go prove the law of diminishing utility is incorrect?

  23. 23. Hey girl my patronus is a financial statement.

  24. 24. I’m not like other guys. I’d never withdraw my deposits without at least offering a wraparound.

  25. 25. Hey, let’s talk about our private goods.

  26. 26. Your presence is one big positive externality

  27. 27. Are you revenue? Cause I'm a loss without you.

  28. 28. How can I lower your barriers to entry?

  29. 29. I know Im not “A” and Im not “C”, because I know were meant to “B”

  30. 30. C’mon, it’s getting late, and we both know I’m your lender of last resort

  31. 31. I wanna put her into my mutual fund. Collect interest on that if ya know what I mean.

  32. 32. I think that hole in your balance sheet needs a liquidity injection.

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