posted pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because you should remove the comments spamming "Nice". Filling up the comments of every post. They make it harder to find actually good/funny comments.

  2. 2. Cause you’re looking nice

  3. 3. It was not too long that the comments were also interesting to read but nowerdays all I can see is Nice, Mods can you please block the Nice Comments from bulk

  4. 4. If a girl you like posts a snap story of her walking on the beach, ask her “What do you and crushed sand have in common?” “You’re both fine as FUCK”

  5. 5. lol first post on reddit. also i used this on my crush didnt work

  6. 6. You know how to cheer me up, send me a picture of that booty (I’m sure this has already been posted here so if it has I’m sorry)

  7. 7. Baby you put the "ass" in asteroid colliding with the earth and releasing enough dust to block out the sun for generations."

  8. 8. You're 9 and I'm the 1 you need.. I'm not sure if this has been posted earlier.. Just thought it was cute..

  9. 9. You are so beautiful it makes me even dizzier than the radiation poisoning.

  10. 10. hey girl, it's the end of the end of the world wanna help my pole shift?

  11. 11. You excite me more than the cast list being posted.

  12. 12. Probably been posted before but this a fucking clean ass line Hey tie your shoes cause I don’t want you falling for anyone else

  13. 13. Because without you I’m just :// and insecure. P.S.: Saw this in top posts of this subreddit and added the last bit.

  14. 14. Came up with this one in the shower, so you know it's good. If used, post their response below

  15. 15. You know what's harder than read post-structuralist literature? Me.

  16. 16. I'll lay down, and you blow the hell outta me. This is an oldie but I haven't seen it posted here.

  17. 17. I'm sorry I thought of this one and I couldn't help myself in posting it here

  18. 18. I want you at my house in the next 24h I hope no one posted diz yet

  19. 19. 300 upvotes and I'll use this on someone and post ss 🤪

  20. 20. I’ll assign you a post, but I really don’t mind if you blow it

  21. 21. The post modernists say that perfection is unattainable. So tell me Perfect, is it true?

  22. 22. You be the stamp and I will be the envelope – you can be on top of me tonight back at my place.

  23. 23. Cuz your causing an uprising in some areas

  24. 24. That’s the post

  25. 25. ...because you're my rock. (Ok, I know this is wicked cheesy, but I'm baked rn so I have to post it or I'll forget)

  26. 26. I came up with something i have no use of so im posting it here

  27. 27. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms 2nd time posting cause my english is shit

  28. 28. Because I having you seems like an achievement :)

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