important pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Our alliance is more important than the constitution. The constitution is only there to regulate matters.

  2. 2. Baby, requesting permission to import my private keys into your hot wallet.

  3. 3. Can you help? I'm late for a very important date.. with you.

  4. 4. I know exactly where all the most important parts are.

  5. 5. I might just make an exception for you.*wink* Ps wink is important

  6. 6. How important is having a big family too you?

  7. 7. Hey girl, I hope you pick me, but what's really important is your right to choose.

  8. 8. Wanna be one of them?

  9. 9. I’m learning about important dates in history class. Wanna be one of them?

  10. 10. 9/10 to make her laugh, good opener, remember guys, humor is more important than multiplication table

  11. 11. It's important for beautyful schoolgirls to have an active socil life. I will pick you up at seven.

  12. 12. Roses are red, violets are blue. Climate’s important to both me & you.

  13. 13. My island is missing an important villager, you.

  14. 14. I carry this beeper not to feel important but so my mom knows where I am. I carry this phone to call her back.

  15. 15. Damn girl, it is important to fix Comms. How about you give me your number?

  16. 16. You must be a very important textbook passage, because seeing you is the highlight of my day. Do you like Chemistry? Because I've got my ion you!

  17. 17. I don't have A, B or C but I can give you the D

  18. 18. Because you're going to have an important role in my biography.

  19. 19. Don't believe the rumours you've heard... the Bubonic plague didn't affect my important organs.

  20. 20. Because you’re the most important thing in my life.

  21. 21. I forgot most of it, but I remember the most important part. You.

  22. 22. Because I don't really feel like putting effort into you but I know you're important and I need you to be successful.

  23. 23. First thing that popped up was you

  24. 24. So why don’t we shower together? *works best in a drought area*

  25. 25. Because you're the most important meal of the day.

  26. 26. How did you do in school? What is your plan for retirement? Do you like dogs? The last one is the most important.

  27. 27. If your lips are foreign imported wine, then I want to get savor each sip.

  28. 28. I might be a terminator, but I have all the important human parts.

  29. 29. We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real? (Fahrenheit 451)

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