hours pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. So do you want to go climbing for a couple of hours and then screw?

  2. 2. Life is short. Let's f**k and see if there is anything after that. Let me eat you for an hour. If you don't want to have sex after that, we won't.

  3. 3. I’ve had a crush on you for two hours.

  4. 4. You are? Damn thing must be an hour fast again.

  5. 5. Bc I want to spend hours of my day looking at you for no reason.

  6. 6. Cause I'll do you for hours and still won't get bored - Day 111

  7. 7. I want to pound you like I pound the asphalt: For hours until it hurts.

  8. 8. Cause when you bite you give me an uncontrollable erection for hours till I die.

  9. 9. I'm not, but I still wanna dig in your guts for a few hours.

  10. 10. I'm trying to figure out how much beauty sleep one needs to look that good

  11. 11. Because I want to run my fingers down your spine while I bury my face in you for hours.

  12. 12. I’ve been waiting behind you in line for five hours... Nice ass!

  13. 13. Are you an SAT exam? Because I would gladly sit in a room with you for three hours.

  14. 14. Are you a round of golf? Because I'd do you for four hours.

  15. 15. I hope you put up a lure, cuz I’m gonna be down here for half an hour.

  16. 16. Hey baby, wanna hear me talk at you for hours?

  17. 17. I hear you like wine. Well, if I tasted you, I'd roll you around on my tongue for hours.

  18. 18. You're hotter than the London Underground during rush hour.

  19. 19. Cause I want you at my house in the next 24 hours.

  20. 20. I’d do you for 3 hours and only stop for water breaks

  21. 21. Cause I want to look at you for hours

  22. 22. Because I wanna mash, add some milk then watch over you and keep you warm for hours

  23. 23. Spread your legs and give me an hour

  24. 24. Are you the LoTR? Cause I spent over nine hours watching you last weekend

  25. 25. I'm on my fourth hour so let's get this done so you can get me to the emergency room.

  26. 26. Roses are red, lemons are sour open your legs and give me an hour

  27. 27. I'll see you at 2400 hours.

  28. 28. I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away! Or maybe it was the hour I spent on this treadmill.

  29. 29. I'd like to casserole you. Yeah baby, that's done slowly for about four hours.

  30. 30. Give me an hour, and I can put a hundred swords at your command.

  31. 31. I'd spend months trying to perfect you and end up doing you for 3 hours, stopping only for water breaks.

  32. 32. Are you an SAT exam? Because I would gladly sit in a room with you for three hours. I don’t have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

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