percussion pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey baby I play bass drum, so you know I could give you a deep bang.

  2. 2. Do you know me, baby? Because I definitely marimba you!

  3. 3. Quads. We can bang in four different tones.

  4. 4. Are you a drum because I want to tap that.

  5. 5. Seeing your face causes my heart to beat in diddles.

  6. 6. So you're in drumline? Okay, then we can practice lst bass together.

  7. 7. I like ur mallets.

  8. 8. Because we're too classy to blow, but really know how to bang.

  9. 9. Are you a mallet player? Cause you're giving me good vibes.

  10. 10. Do you play the vibraphone? Because I feel some good vibes between us.

  11. 11. You know what they say about drummers... They like to bang.

  12. 12. Oh, so you’re a percussionist? Want to give me a lap cadence?

  13. 13. You're sending me good Vibes!

  14. 14. You have to feel my click internally, babe. I can’t always bang hard.

  15. 15. The bassists bang sideways. We snares bang on top.

  16. 16. You are as fine as rosewood.

  17. 17. Baby, you're a drummer? I can make your heart go offbeat.

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