sticks pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Can I stick my flash drive in your USB port?

  2. 2. How about sticking a pinch of me between your cheek and gum?

  3. 3. Let's go back to my place so I can stick my tongue deep inside you

  4. 4. Thats why i am sticking with you

  5. 5. I can drive stick if ya know what I mean.

  6. 6. Do you know how to drive stick? Because I sure as hell do.

  7. 7. I’m going to stick you with my pointy end sweetie!

  8. 8. Cause I wanna stick three fingers in u ;)

  9. 9. Because i wanna stick my fingers in all 3 holes

  10. 10. Cuz I wanna stick my 0.7mm in you

  11. 11. I hear this house is haunted baby … we better stick together.

  12. 12. Is that a parasite you're sticking down my throat or are you just happy to see me?

  13. 13. So I can test my gag reflex

  14. 14. By the many arms of Vishnu, I want to stick it in your butt.

  15. 15. Wanna see my other stick that curves a little to the left?

  16. 16. My stick is an oversize 29 inches.

  17. 17. I’ll stick something inside you that’ll have that area throbbing in seconds

  18. 18. How about I shift my stick into something else...

  19. 19. I'll be your broom stick, if you'll be my witch

  20. 20. Do you like to play lacrosse? Because you can have my stick.

  21. 21. I want to always be with you, like ribosomes, always stick together with rough endoplasmic reticulum.

  22. 22. I'll let you nibble my seed-stick?

  23. 23. Do ya mind if I stick this under your mantle?

  24. 24. I want to fill your open USB slot with my memory stick.

  25. 25. I want to stick my thermometer in your mouth.

  26. 26. I bet I can stick my tongue out farther than you!

  27. 27. Is that your spine sticking out of your stomach or are you just happy to see me?

  28. 28. Girl if you stick with me my feelings for you will never depreciate.

  29. 29. Is your name Joy? Cause I want you to jump on my stick!

  30. 30. My eyes stick to you like histones on DNA.

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