stealing pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You steal my heart and I steal yours (careful actually works)

  2. 2. Because I’m about to steal your heart

  3. 3. Cause your gonna steal my last name

  4. 4. You couldn't steal the championship from me but you definitely stole my heart.

  5. 5. Illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs, but you stole my heart!

  6. 6. Did you equip steal Materia? Because you could only steal my heart once.

  7. 7. Can I hide it inside you?

  8. 8. The FBI wants to steal my penis Can I hide it inside you?

  9. 9. Violets are blue The FBI is trying to steal my dick, Can I hide it in you?

  10. 10. As am on my way to file a complaint against you for stealing my heart.

  11. 11. Your T-shirt looks like a friend of mine's. Did you steal it from her?

  12. 12. And i'm about to steal it.

  13. 13. If my pickpocket skills were higher I will steal your heart.

  14. 14. I'm gonna steal your virginity like you stole my land.

  15. 15. They stole my land but I'll steal your heart.

  16. 16. You don't need level 100 Pickpocket to steal my heart away.

  17. 17. If my pickpocket skill were better, I'd steal your heart.

  18. 18. I may be the outlaw, but you're the one stealing my heart.

  19. 19. Not to judge, but you should probably go to Confession for stealing my heart.

  20. 20. Theres A 2-1-1 In Progress, You Are Stealing My Heart.

  21. 21. Did you steal my heart? Because I can't feel my pulse.

  22. 22. I'm on my way to steal your Shamrock Shake!

  23. 23. If I was the grinch, I wouldn’t steal Christmas. I would steal you.

  24. 24. If I was a goblin, I would totally steal your heart.

  25. 25. Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart like it’s home plate.

  26. 26. Is your name Joe? because you're stealing my Hart.

  27. 27. You know, I'd love to steal your heart.

  28. 28. I won't give my heart to anyone, but if you're brave enough you can try to steal it.

  29. 29. Because I'm trying to steal your heart.

  30. 30. I wanna steal you in a bag and make you gag

  31. 31. If you will be one of the pros, maybe I will be a con and steal your heart ;)

  32. 32. Because I'm about to steal your heart

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