high school pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. How can i know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the 7 digits of your phone number?

  2. 2. Do these flowers expiate the fact that I've been stalking you?

  3. 3. You’re the opposite of my homework in high school. "How?" I actually want to do you all night long.

  4. 4. I must say that high school was hell, but you were the hottest thing there.

  5. 5. You might be old school, but baby, you still look high school.

  6. 6. Let's go back to my place and get you out of that high school art project.

  7. 7. High school is hell... and you’re the hottest thing here!

  8. 8. Cause I wanna shoot kids inside you

  9. 9. Uhhhh, no, I didn't play football in high school but I did letter in varsity volleyball and tennis.

  10. 10. Because I want to shoot a load of kids inside you

  11. 11. Any tips ?

  12. 12. Are you my senior year of high school? Cause every night I had to sneak in through the backdoor.

  13. 13. Because I was obsessed with you in high school, but couldn't care less about you now.

  14. 14. 'Cause I wanna shoot up inside you.

  15. 15. Do you have any you'd like to add?

  16. 16. Are you the SATs? Because I would gladly sit in a room with you for six hours.

  17. 17. Do you believe in adventitious love or do I have to walk by again?

  18. 18. Are you the new school janitor? Because you just swept me off my feet.

  19. 19. Are you Cornell? Because I saw that you have an Ithaca area code and that's where Cornell is located.

  20. 20. Hey girl, are you my guidance counselor? Because I really hope you are. I got to a big school and haven't been able to find her office.

  21. 21. I can infer from the way you're looking at me that you'll be coming back to my place tonight!

  22. 22. I can infer that you are smart enough to go out with me.

  23. 23. I commiserate with all the other girls in the room because they have to compete with someone as beautiful as you!

  24. 24. I didn't know angels were allowed in public schools.

  25. 25. I don't know how I'll ever get to class on time when it's so easy to get lost in your eyes.

  26. 26. Hey baby, just call me Jay-Z, because I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get into whatever college I want if they think I'm Jay-Z.

  27. 27. Hey baby i got the F the C and the K all i need is U

  28. 28. Did we have any homework due?

  29. 29. Girl, it's axiomatic that you're absolutely gorgeous!

  30. 30. I know summer must be over, because you're about to fall for me.

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