reading pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Wanna read?

  2. 2. Baby, bring your lips closer cause I can't read them.

  3. 3. Hey baby, can I read your nipples?

  4. 4. After you read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, I'm the only thing you won't be disgusted by.

  5. 5. I've been reading Joshua, but how many times do I need to walk around you before you fall for me?

  6. 6. Found the poetry section. May I take you back in the stacks and read you some verses?

  7. 7. Baby, you thicker than the bible... and I wanna read all yo pages!

  8. 8. Boy: I'm a superhero... Guess my name?? Girl: Ironman? Spiderman?? Boy: *smiles* Yourman!

  9. 9. You know what's harder than read post-structuralist literature? Me.

  10. 10. Hey girl, I have a unreturned library book that I want to read to you tonight.

  11. 11. So you preferably use this on instagram you be like “hey someone impersonating your account” they be like “who?” you reply with “@nasa” “because you’re out of this world”

  12. 12. Because I see you checking me out Alternative response: because all you do is leave me on read

  13. 13. Because all I do is get left on read.

  14. 14. There are so many books here but I want to read you.

  15. 15. I can also read something else besides books, your heart.

  16. 16. I know how to read smoke signals. Send me one.

  17. 17. I'm such an open book, I could be on your summer reading list.

  18. 18. If you were an articlie more than 200 words long, I would still read you.

  19. 19. I know how to read and everything.

  20. 20. You had me at: I read Lawrence Durrell.

  21. 21. Are you reading Fahrenheit 451? Because damn, you're smoking.

  22. 22. You should read my diary...

  23. 23. I'll read your patriarchal blessing, if you read mine.

  24. 24. Did you read this weekend's forecast? Cloudy with a chance of Squirtle.

  25. 25. Someone as hot as you must find it difficult to do cold readings.

  26. 26. If you were a book, I'd stay up all night reading.

  27. 27. I was reading the book of numbers yesterday, and I realized I don't have yours.

  28. 28. Hey girl. I was reading the Book of Numbers the other day and I realized...I don't have yours.

  29. 29. You ever read Genesis? Because God saw that it is not good for man to be alone.

  30. 30. Baby, if someone wrote a book on your life, I'd read it allll niiight long.

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