nerdy pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I need a billion dollars and a falcon heavy to get in uranus. (Nerdy pick up line)

  2. 2. “Are you an exception? Let me catch you.” Nerdy one

  3. 3. Harry potter fan, geek, nerd, would like to talk about WW2 or blackholes. Nerdy one

  4. 4. Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity or time approach infinity, because I want to run all the way with you. (For the nerdy runner.)

  5. 5. And you’d like point at the map in a really nerdy way, and make them laugh. It’s great when there’s the physical delivery, too.

  6. 6. Is your discriminant zero? Because you're my only solution.

  7. 7. Baby, are you an algorithm? Because I'd like to insert(ion) sort you with my array all night.

  8. 8. Because I want to hold it. (Non-music nerds: fermata = music thing that means hold a note) Nerdy

  9. 9. I'd love to put my USB into your port. 00101000 00100000 01100001 10110000 00100000 01011100 10010110 00100000 01100001 10110000 00101001

  10. 10. Charmeleons are red, Blastoise are blue, if you were a pokemon, I would choose you.

  11. 11. Because your curve goes on forever

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