fruit pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a fruit, because Honeydew you know how fine you look right now?

  2. 2. Hey, I'm a fruit fly of course I like bananas!

  3. 3. I've always thought that cucumbers were such a sensual fruit.

  4. 4. You’d be my date

  5. 5. I would stay beside you in the hospital each day for as long as they'd allow me to...

  6. 6. Hey girl, you remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

  7. 7. You remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

  8. 8. But you and me? We could be a pear.

  9. 9. Baby, if you were a fruit you'd be a Fineapple.

  10. 10. Youd be a fineapple.

  11. 11. You'd be a fineapple

  12. 12. But if you were a vegetable I’d visit you in the hospital everyday

  13. 13. Because you're a... fineapple

  14. 14. 1. Girl, if you were a fruit you'll be a FineApple. 2. Girl, if you were a vegetable, you'll be a cutecumber

  15. 15. The fruit of the tree of life called. It wants its sweetness back.

  16. 16. Are you a fruit salad? Cause you dont need dressing, just you, a spoon, and my mouth

  17. 17. If Eve was tempted by an apple that has to be my fruit.

  18. 18. I would share a paopu fruit with you.

  19. 19. My snake wants to taste your forbidden fruit

  20. 20. Mine are dates. Speaking of which we should on one sometime :)

  21. 21. Because I want to pump my next of kin in you.

  22. 22. Cause eating you is good for my health

  23. 23. You'd be a date.

  24. 24. Are you a fruit store? Cos I want to eat your melons

  25. 25. We would be a good pear (pair)

  26. 26. He gets over to her and repeatedly drops citrus fruits. He says “Excuse me can you help? I’m not very good at pick up limes.”

  27. 27. You’d be a fine Apple

  28. 28. Because it sure is a peach!

  29. 29. I'd call you a FINE-apple.

  30. 30. If you are, you’d be apple, because you’re the apple of my eye

  31. 31. My life is pretty sad I would rather have a dark fruits then a wife

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