japan pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you teaching foreign language? Because I want to get into Japantese.

  2. 2. Anime who? Are you from Japan? Cause you got anime-zing body. 

  3. 3. Are you from Japan? Because Udon know how much I adore you.

  4. 4. ‘Cause I just Tokyo heart.

  5. 5. Were you affected by the radiation in Japan? Because you are just glowing.

  6. 6. Cause I'm tryna get in Japanties

  7. 7. Cas I wanna get into Ja-panties

  8. 8. You: “r u from japan?” Them: “insert answer here” You [in a chill tone]: “because i’m trying into japanties/japants”

  9. 9. but it seems I’ve finally met the woman of my dreams.

  10. 10. Cause I’m trying to get in your japanties

  11. 11. Are you from Japan? Because you’re Tokyo-t. (Too cute)

  12. 12. My sex doll is very popular in Japan

  13. 13. Is it safe to say ramen is from Japan? So to get some I will I need to get in Japanties.

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