dentist pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. There's no way they could improve your smile!

  2. 2. Your teeth are pretty. You look like you floss regularly.

  3. 3. I'm a dentist, why don't you lie back and let me fill your cavities.

  4. 4. Caus you look like you could use a filling

  5. 5. Wanna get drilled?

  6. 6. Your enamel is not the only thing that’s hard.

  7. 7. Looks like you've got a hole that needs filling.

  8. 8. Let's play dentist... First I'll knock you out then I'll fill your cavities

  9. 9. My next appointment is 6 months from now? Any chance of seeing you sooner, maybe over coffee?

  10. 10. But I bet I could give you a filling.

  11. 11. I’m gonna drill you so hard that you’ll be sore for a week.

  12. 12. But I wouldn't mind drilling and filling your mouth with sticky white stuff

  13. 13. Because I need a filling

  14. 14. And its time for your check up.

  15. 15. But i can give you a filling

  16. 16. And I wanna do you twice a day.

  17. 17. ...your teeth are straighter and whiter than the Republican party.

  18. 18. You’re a piece of eye candy and I've got a sweet tooth. Use dental floss? How about me hiring you as my personal coach sometime over lunch?

  19. 19. I hear you have an anal cavity you need filled..... wanna make an appointment?

  20. 20. Because I want you to drill me

  21. 21. Because while I drill your cavity, I’d like you to call me daddy

  22. 22. Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.

  23. 23. Let's get this cavity search started.

  24. 24. Because I provide fillings

  25. 25. Because if I administered your drugs properly you aren't going to feel a thing.

  26. 26. But I can still fill your cavities

  27. 27. 9 out of 10 dentists recommend putting me inside you

  28. 28. Hey baby, I'm a dentist. Why don't you lie back and let me fill your cavities.

  29. 29. Hey baby, if you were a polishing disc, you'd be superfine.

  30. 30. Hey girl, if you were a tooth, you would be an upper left lateral incisor!

  31. 31. Hey girl! Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.

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