window pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You must be Windows 95 because you gots me so unstable.

  2. 2. You must be Windows 95 because you've got me feeling so unstable.

  3. 3. But I can fill your crack tonight ;)

  4. 4. You're in my heart...

  5. 5. Better than dropping a banana out a cruise window.

  6. 6. Hey, if a fat man comes through your window and puts you in his bag, don't worry. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas

  7. 7. You must be Windows Vista because you've got me feeling so unstable.

  8. 8. If you want I can help you tape your windows, but I can't guarantee things won't still get wet.

  9. 9. It goes on forever and ever

  10. 10. Your hair blows in the wind like the ruffling pages of an old book lying on a bed facing an open window.

  11. 11. So I wont need an invite when I look through your windows...

  12. 12. Because I want to put kids in you

  13. 13. Girl are you a meteor shower? Cuz I'm watching you from my window.

  14. 14. I saw something adorable to get you for Christmas, then I realized it was my reflection.

  15. 15. Hey baby, lets open some windows, my system is getting too hot.

  16. 16. Baby it's hot in here... Open some Windows...

  17. 17. Let's go frost up some windows.

  18. 18. Yer eyes are as blue & pretty as window cleaner.

  19. 19. Cause not now

  20. 20. It’s unexpected and feels like forever

  21. 21. Hey baby. I'm running a new OS, it's called Windows XPenis.

  22. 22. Are you a windows update? Cause i’ll see you later

  23. 23. Your window was open, so I’m under your bed

  24. 24. Because I'll be watching you from your windows

  25. 25. Cuz I wanna see full moon tonight

  26. 26. Because you are my last hope

  27. 27. Beacause I wanna smash you

  28. 28. You must be Windows 95 because you have me so unstable.

  29. 29. You are so hot you make the windows fog.

  30. 30. I’ve fallen for you more times than that American has fallen out of your window.

  31. 31. Roll down your window and say, "I think I'm overheating."

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