wrestling pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you the Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania? Cause I'm about to conquer you.

  2. 2. You couldn't steal the championship from me but you definitely stole my heart.

  3. 3. Hey baby did it hurt? When you fell from the top rope.

  4. 4. Are you a Prime Time Player baby? Because you're worth millions of dollars.

  5. 5. Hey girl. Why dont you be my Miss Elizabeth and I'll be your Macho Man?

  6. 6. For a second there I thought I was fighting Steve Austin, because I'm looking at a stone cold stunner.

  7. 7. I can promise a 20 minute instant classic with no Dusty finish.

  8. 8. Call me Sheamus because I'll finish in 18 seconds...

  9. 9. Space Mountain is open for the night and I'll give you a free ride.

  10. 10. Hey girl, are you Tyler Breeze? Because you're so MMMM Gorgeous!

  11. 11. Let me hit you with my sledgehammer.

  12. 12. Do you want to wrestle with our special bathing suit places?

  13. 13. Wanna wrestle?

  14. 14. I want you to be the Katie Vick to my Kane!

  15. 15. Hey I'm good ol' JR and I wanna be all up in your solar plexus.

  16. 16. Each young lady longs for wedding a wrestler.

  17. 17. Hey baby, you can call me the President. Want to be my first lady?

  18. 18. I want to do to you what Rollins did to Lesnar at WrestleMania. Screw you and then run away.

  19. 19. Hey baby, wanna wrestle?

  20. 20. Wanna wrestle?;)

  21. 21. I will make you look strong.

  22. 22. Hey girl, are you Tough Enough?

  23. 23. Hey baby, you wanna check into my asylum, cus baby, its gonna be an insane trip...

  24. 24. Let's wrestle our way to PROM?

  25. 25. I do my best work on my back.

  26. 26. Tag me in baby, I got you.

  27. 27. Hey baby, wanna Ryback to my place?

  28. 28. Do you like JR because I'm gonna slobber all over those knockers.

  29. 29. You will go one on one with the great one.

  30. 30. Like wrestling? Cause I'm about to lay the SmackDown and I'm going RAW.

  31. 31. Wanna come back to my place and find out why they call me the Beast Incarnate?

  32. 32. Is your name Brett Hart? Cause you're the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.

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