email pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Checked my email, there was reading Checked my dm’s, there was chemistry

  2. 2. If you were my girl, I'd let you delete all the emails you wanted.

  3. 3. Because you're a hot male

  4. 4. You me, a bottle of wine and you ex’s email?

  5. 5. I wish you were an email, so I could attach myself to you.

  6. 6. Give me your email and I'll send you my flavor wheel.

  7. 7. Said I gotta email today. Kinda thought that you, forgot about me. But I wanna hit you back to say, just like you, I get lonely. (I Get Lonely)

  8. 8. I was going through your email and noticed you like cat too!

  9. 9. What do you say we bounce like a bad email?

  10. 10. Hey, girl, let’s exchange emails — I need you on my Google Doc.

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