homo pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you an early hominid? Because I've got a Homo Erectus right now.

  2. 2. Damn girl, you're making me devolve to a homo-erectus.

  3. 3. Damn girl are you from prehistory cause you're making me homo erectus.

  4. 4. So, ladies, want to do some anthropological research into homo erectus?

  5. 5. When I saw you in that leopard skin bikini I went from Homo Sapien to Homo Erectus.

  6. 6. I think I just evolved into Homo Erectus.

  7. 7. Cuz you're making me Homo Erectus

  8. 8. Because I’d like to show you my homo erectus.

  9. 9. Baby, you must have time distortion powers because you're turning me into Homo Erectus!

  10. 10. Because you're making me erectus.

  11. 11. I'll give YOU a homo erectus!

  12. 12. Cause lesbian item

  13. 13. Because I want you to penetrate me (no homo)

  14. 14. Me Homo Erectus! Stop laughing, that not mean me gay!

  15. 15. Baby, you make this Homo erectus.

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