thicc pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I should start calling you Concrete Blizzard from Dairy Queen because you are THICC!

  2. 2. Cause DAMN you gotta thicc ass

  3. 3. Cause you down with the thiccness

  4. 4. If Anne Boleyn's neck was as thicc as you are, then she would have survived

  5. 5. Cause you are sweet and THICC.

  6. 6. Cuz you thicc as 40 thieves.

  7. 7. Cuz ur ass israely thicc

  8. 8. And with this pandemic, I may need you out here!

  9. 9. Cause you lookin’ dummy thicc

  10. 10. Cause your accent is thicc like your ass.

  11. 11. Cause I’d smash.

  12. 12. Cause you are rare, interesting and THICC.

  13. 13. Because you thicc

  14. 14. Stay home if you're sicc Come over if you're thicc

  15. 15. Always had a thing for bad b*tches with thicc thighs Girls like you are a sight to sore eyes. Let's go out before the time flies?

  16. 16. Coz you're thicc

  17. 17. Cos you thicc

  18. 18. Because your as thicc as the sun

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