nuclear pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey baby, you'd be the woman I'd pick to repopulate the world if we ever trigger a nuclear holocaust with Russia.

  2. 2. They say cockroaches are the only things that can survive a nuclear blast. So... wouldn't you feel a little safer if you had the first half of that word in you?

  3. 3. My love for you will withstand a nuclear explosion.

  4. 4. And that pales in comparison to how much of a bombshell you are.

  5. 5. Cause you're a whole atomic bomb

  6. 6. Cause you got my reactor goin

  7. 7. Is the intense heat melting the skin from my body the result of nuclear fission...or is it just you.

  8. 8. Cuz ur hot af, damn

  9. 9. Cos I wanna stick my control rod in you

  10. 10. I thought of this while having an existential crisis *h a*

  11. 11. Because I fallout

  12. 12. I must be a nuclear reactor Because I need U

  13. 13. You're so hot that you would make a nuclear reactor melt down. 

  14. 14. Are you an iridium nuclear-energy cell/ hydrogen fuel cell? Because I can't live without you.

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