communism pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause we could share a bed.

  2. 2. My love is like communism ; everyone gets a share , and it is only good in theory.

  3. 3. Because I can feel an uprising in my lower class.

  4. 4. Cause we can share a bed tonight

  5. 5. Because I wanna blame you for everything that is wrong with me

  6. 6. Cause I wanna spread you...

  7. 7. ‘Cause I’m feeling a rising in my lower class.

  8. 8. Cause we'd be good together

  9. 9. Communism: our life

  10. 10. Because in theory we would work, but in real life we probably wouldn't.

  11. 11. Roses are red, Communism is great, How 'bout we go on a Date

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