ears pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because you'd need some ear protection when I'm drilling you

  2. 2. Meet me in the corn field I'll kiss you between the ears.

  3. 3. You're so sexy, I'd even let you fold my pages dog-eared style.

  4. 4. Do you like it dog-eared style?

  5. 5. You can be my chocolate bunny. I’ll start by nibbling on your ears and save the rest for last.

  6. 6. I may not have pointed ears, but everytime you're around I become a wood elf.

  7. 7. Are you Apollo? Cause you light up my day and are music to my ears.

  8. 8. I’ll tell you a sad story, if you’ll but lend me an ear.

  9. 9. Can I use your thighs to warm them up?

  10. 10. Because I care about you and your mental health, hows life going? If you want to have a talk im all ears. I love you.

  11. 11. My ears are really cold, Can I use your thighs as earmuffs?

  12. 12. Her: What? Me *whispers in her ear* : That's what you're supposed to say

  13. 13. “You have nice ears”

  14. 14. Because mine is breathing through my ears.

  15. 15. Could I use your thighs to maybe... Warm them up? Thanks

  16. 16. (My cousins asked me to post this one)

  17. 17. God gave us two ears, two eyes, two legs and two hands, but he only gave us one heart, and he wanted me to find you and tell you, you are the second one

  18. 18. A little Woodstock is chirping in my ear and tell me to come talk to you.

  19. 19. Baby I want to wear you like a pair of sun glasses, one leg over each ear.

  20. 20. Guess what?! I've got an 8" tounge and I can breath out of my ears!

  21. 21. Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the ears? (Pull your pockets inside out) Would you like to?

  22. 22. Do you hear jingle bells? No? Then I'll have to ignore the ring in my ears like I'm ignoring the ring on your finger.

  23. 23. Lean close, put chyer lips to her shell-like ear, an' whisper the Nude Raider cheat codes.

  24. 24. I made this ear necklace just for you!

  25. 25. If I whispered in thine ear that thou hadst a body of beauty unknown but to the heavens, wouldst thou hold it against me?

  26. 26. You know what they say about guys with big ears.

  27. 27. My ears are not the only things that are long!

  28. 28. You can be my chocolate bunny. I'll start by nibbling on your ears and save your behind for last.

  29. 29. Once you make love to a man with Vulcan ears on you never go back.

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