music notation pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Can we find the counter-point motion on my (your) Grand Staff?

  2. 2. Would you like to have dinner with the third degree of the diatomic scale?

  3. 3. You and I are like B# and C. We look different, but we are the exact same.

  4. 4. How about you call a friend, and we can experiment with triplets.

  5. 5. Middle C is a great note, I'd love to play between your staffs.

  6. 6. I want to make you hit a high note.

  7. 7. Hey baby, my name is Legato. You know Why? ‘Cause I’m smooth.

  8. 8. I’m a fermata, hold me.

  9. 9. Hey baby, how do you like my Grand Staff?

  10. 10. How about you act like a fermata and let me hold you.

  11. 11. I wanna hold you like a Fermata. A really long time, until I run out of air.

  12. 12. Will your adjust your note and resolve my raised member?

  13. 13. If I were a fermata, would you hold me?

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