finally pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey, is this your final destination? Cuz I can really see us...Making a connection.

  2. 2. What ya’ll think?

  3. 3. We will finally have a quality cheesy pick-up line.

  4. 4. Did it hurt when you fell from the sky or have I finally made it to Heaven. If that's the case I didn't feel a thing!

  5. 5. Your smile will light up every room.

  6. 6. Are you a phoenix, 'cause you look like you wanna get down.

  7. 7. If you were a L'cie would I be your focus?

  8. 8. You're giving me sunstroke, baby, cause you're hotter than the Sagolii.

  9. 9. Honey, you must be a White Mage because looking at you I get a Raise.

  10. 10. You're the Rinoa to my Squall. The Tifa to my Cloud. The Yuna to my Tidus.

  11. 11. I'm Final and I'll show you a Fantasy.

  12. 12. Wanna to spin around on my Blitzballs?

  13. 13. Are you a castrum? Cuz I wanna get inside you.

  14. 14. Hey baby, I got a 100+ Chain on the Dreadnought Leviathan alone.

  15. 15. I can learn Frogsong, you can be my princess.

  16. 16. I'll break your limit.

  17. 17. Baby, I'm the last living Black Mage. Wanna prevent my extinction?

  18. 18. I want you to ride my Chocobo.

  19. 19. Girl, you must be a mage; cos your magic body makes materia look like mythril.

  20. 20. Are you American Pharoah? Because you're finally the one.

  21. 21. I have a much better grand finale planned for you, I'll even buy you breakfast.

  22. 22. Will you be my final version?

  23. 23. You must be a L'Cie, because I wanna purge all over you.

  24. 24. After getting lost for 40 years I've think I've finally found what I was looking for

  25. 25. You're Katara and I'm Aang. You went years without me but then I finally came out of that iceberg.

  26. 26. I want to be a ghost, so I can be your boo! My sis made that up :p

  27. 27. Are you the final semester of my senior year? Because I’m happy I survived long enough to see you.

  28. 28. So anyways, I was thinking you and I should lose our virginity to each other, what do you think?

  29. 29. I’ve looked for a man with a VCR and I’ve finally found the perfect one…. thats a Very Cute Rear by the way.

  30. 30. If she responds with YEET its final

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